Saturday, February 6, 2010

In Kenya

I'm here in Nakuru and today is day three already!We have done so much already.
Our volunteer group went on Safari to Lake Nakuru today and we had a ball! We saw some amazing things and my mind is spinning with all the sights and sounds and smells we have experienced today and every other day!
Now we've seen lion, giraffe, flamingos, gazelles, baboons and other monkeys, as well as rock hyrax, black rhino and a tiny Dik-Dik (a sort of deer)
Check out Graham on a Boda Boda the cheapest form of transport (apart from walking that is!)
I managed to take some wildlife pics at Lake Nakuru before my camera battery expired completely, so check them out too. Trouble is they're taking so long to download that I only have patience to do one today!

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