Sunday, October 21, 2012


We came across from Lucca to Florence by a route devised by pocket earth, the map ap I've mentioned before. It was fairly tense, we couldn't look around much because of the traffic, and after 80k or so, we found that the camping area we arrived at was shut, even though it was advertised as being open on the Internet. Somehow we fluked a B&B elsewhere, after a long struggle, another story, ask me some time, I might get over it in a month or so. The first picture shows the view looking towards Florence from the B&B.
Next day we made it to another camping area which overlooks the city, and the next pictures are views from Piazza Michaelangelo which is just next door.
Presently I'm sitting in a square near the Museo Academia, where Hannelore is queuing for an invitation to queue for a ticket to join a queue to get into see the original David. The sign outside says "visit the museum without having to wait in line"! It was all too much for me, so I'm just sitting here in the square, observing the locals.
The last picture is of the David copy in the Piazza di Signoria, don't know why I'm including it, because everyone has seen it...

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