Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Past the Fernpasse

After Fussen, you almost immediately cross the border into Austria. Into the Alps proper, we struck some pretty demanding hills, sometimes reminiscent of Munda Bidi. The picture below with the forest was one of those that had us puffing. We went through Pinswang, Reutte and Obergarten, then finally camped at Lermoos. The biggest mountain in the Austrian Alps, the Zugspitse, was the view from our tent site, that's the picture with the sun just catching the top. The other pictures just show the beauty of this area.
At Bieberwier, we caught the "Huckepakke" or some such name, which is the bike shuttle over the Fernpasse. Did we need to? Don't know, but it made an easy day of it, and we've ended up in the pretty town of Imst.

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