Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Brenta bike path

We carried on to Trento, and on the way met a couple on a tandem, who guided us into the town, the quickest entry to a city that we've ever experienced. We booked in at a two star hotel, the Venezia, which was very good, apart from the bathroom being a little worse for wear. Later we had dinner with our new friends, Ernst and Christiana, who come this way often, from Allgau in Bavaria. We had a great night at their favourite Italian restaurant in this pleasant historic town.
Next day, although we hate trains, we followed our guidebook's advice and caught the train to Pergine, about 12k, apparently otherwise you have to put up with heavy traffic and high hills.
Because we were successful on this occasion, it was a pleasant experience.
From there, we located Lago di Caldonazzo, where we had lunch, then the River Brenta bike path, (piste ciclable) and followed it down (truly downhill), to Borgo Valsugana. We got caught in heavy rain there, couldn't find accommodation anywhere, and finally backtracked to Roncegno, where we found a hotel that was happy to take in two drenched Aussies.
Picture 1 and 2 show the Brenta bike path, picture 3 is us at Trento

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